Built-in Fire Protection
D-Blaze treated lumber and plywood are designed for interior wood framing and sheathing applications where fire retardant construction materials are specified or required by building code. D-Blaze is highly effective at slowing down the spread of flame and reducing smoke development as a result of fire, giving you and your family more time to escape.
35 Years of Proven Performance
- D-Blaze®fire-retardant treated wood (FRTW) is highly effective at slowing down the spread of flame and smoke caused by fire, increasing evacuation time and potentially reducing damages and repair costs. D-Blaze FRTW effectively slows the combustion cycle of fire by forming a protective layer of char, hindering flame spread and smoke formation.
- D-Blaze is recognized as a code compliant pressure-impregnated fire-retardant treatment under the International Building Code® (IBC®), International Residential Code® (IRC®) and the National Building Code of Canada® (NBC®) for lumber and plywood products used in fire-rated assemblies and interior applications where fire retardant construction materials are permitted and specified by the building codes.
Tested and listed by Underwriters Laboratories® (UL® and ULC®), D-Blaze FRTW meets the requirements of construction materials as set forth in all North American building codes. During the code required 30-minute flame and smoke test; UL 723 (ASTM E84), D-Blaze FRTW shows no evidence of significant progressive combustion or smoke emissions.
D-Blaze FRTW products are fire resistant, durable, non-hygroscopic, non-blooming, easy to handle, workable with common woodworking tools, and offers a lower in-place cost than materials classified as non-combustible. D-Blaze FRTW has been used in projects across North America, including the One World Trade Center in New York City, the Willis Tower; formerly the Sears Tower and the Navy Pier in Chicago.
Backed by a 50-Year Limited Warranty, D-Blaze FRTW is protected against structural failure due to strength loss caused by high temperature and high humidity conditions. (See Warranty for details.) - See technical documents below.
Product Applications
Roof and Trusses - plywood sheathing, decks and rafters
Walls - load bearing and partition, plywood sheathing and studs
Flooring - subfloors, joists, plywood sheathing, studs and trusses
Other Structural Uses - wood framing, stairways, steps, beams, blocking and paneling
The Qualities That Matter to You

Built-in fire protection - D-Blaze treated lumber and plywood designed for interior applications where fire retardant construction materials are specified or required by building code.

D-Blaze FRTW meets or exceeds the testing guidelines for construction materials as established by Underwriters Laboratories UL Class A (Class 1) with FR-S Rating for Plywood and Lumber and Canada CAN/ULC S102.

ICC-ES Evaluation Report 2645 states Fasteners used in D-Blaze fire retardant treated wood must be galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon bronze or copper, in accordance with 2018, 2015 IBC Section 2304.10.5; 2012, 2009 and 2006 IBC Section 2304.9.5; 2018, 2015, 2012 and 2009 Section R317.3; ot 2006 ZIrc Section R319.3, and must be subject to the adjustment factors of Table 1.

UL GreenGuard Gold Certified for low chemical emissions UL 281, the first FRTW of its kind to earn Green Guard certification.

D-Blaze earned qualification for the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) and the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Building Rating System. No VOCs. No Formaldehyde.

Backed by a 50-year limited warranty with 35 years of proven performance.

Approved by AIA, Viance's free course on Fire Retardant Treated Wood for CEU credits are published on Ronblank.com.
On Demand Course Title: Fire Retardant Treated Wood for Single, Multi-family and Commercial Structures
Course Number: VIA06E
Course Credit: 1 AIA LU/HSW CE Hour
In-person Course Title: Fire Retardant Treated Wood for Single, Multi-family and Commercial Structures
Course Number: IVIA06A
Course Credit: 1 AIA LU/HSW CE Hour
Course Description:
Fire-retardant treated wood (FRTW) provides the traditional aesthetic of wood without the fear of flammability. Join us in this one-hour course as we discuss interior and exterior FRTW, codes and tests that ensure FRTW is safe for buildings and their occupants, and the many applications for FRTW products. Participants will get an in-depth look at the manufacturing process that creates safe, sustainable, and aesthetically-pleasing wood that can be used in all of their projects.
Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how fire-retardant treated wood (FRTW) reduces personal injury and property damage by reducing the spread of flame and smoke
2. Discuss the differences between interior and exterior FRTW and common applications of each
3. Identify the organizations and codes that ensure FRTW products are standardized and safe for future users, especially in the event of an emergency
4. List the various tests and quality control processes used to analyze FRTW products’ ability to slow the spread of flame, protecting a building and its occupants

D-Blaze meets the criteria to qualify for the Buy American Act Certification.
This letter serves as compliance certification that Viance preservatives for the D-Blaze brand are manufactured in the United States and meet the requirements of the Buy American Act.
D-Blaze Product Information
D-Blaze FRTW meets or exceeds the testing guidelines for construction materials as established by the following authorities and specifications.
- ICC-ES ESR-2645 D-Blaze FRTW with California Supplement
- ICC-ES ESR-2645 Evaluation Report - IBC and IRC compliance
- CA State Fire Marshal Building Material Listing for D-Blaze Plywood
- CA State Fire Marshal Building Material Listing for D-Blaze Treated Lumber
- D-Blaze Design V335 2 Hr Bearing Wall Rating BXUV ANSI/UL 265 Certified US and BXUV7 - CAN/ULC-S101 Certified Canada
- D Blaze NFPA 703 12 Edition B
- D-Blaze 2018 IBC Building Code Update
- D-Blaze 2015 IRC Section R302 Fire Resistant Construction
- D-Blaze NYC Code Acceptance
- D-Blaze Technical Bulletin – CSA O80 Standards
- D-Blaze UL BUGV.R10950 Treated Plywood
- D-Blaze UL BUGV Guide Info Treated Plywood
- D-Blaze UL BUGV.R10950 Treated Plywood - Canada
- D-Blaze UL BUGV Guide Info Treated Plywood - Canada
- D-Blaze UL BPVV7.R10647 Treated Lumber
- D-Blaze UL BPVV Guide Info Treated Lumber
- D-Blaze UL BPVV7.R10647 Treated Lumber - Canada
- D-Blaze UL BPVV7 Guide Info Treated Lumber - Canada
- D-Blaze Design V335 1 and 2 Hr Bearing Wall Rating BXUV ANSI/UL 265 Certified US and BXUV7 - CAN/ULC-S101 Certified Canada
- D-Blaze UL V335 Structural Wood Members
- D-Blaze UL GreenGuard GOLD Certification Test Report and Certificate
- D-Blaze UL GreenGuard Certification Test Report and Certificate
- D-Blaze Technical Specifications
- D-Blaze Technical Bulletin - Construction Type Definitions
- D-Blaze Technical Bulletin - FAQs
- D-Blaze Technical Bulletin - Fasteners for Use in D-Blaze FRTW
- D-Blaze Technical Bulletin - Handling Requirements
- D-Blaze Technical Bulletin - Contact with Concrete or Masonry Foundations
- D-Blaze Technical Bulletin - Finishing and Adhesives
- D-Blaze VOC Content and Red List Free Compliance
- D-Blaze and USGBC LEED and FSC Chain of Custody Information
- D-Blaze Complies with 2021 IBC and IRC Code
- D-Blaze and Viance product contributions to green building: LEED, NGBS and GreenGuard Gold
- D-Blaze Specifications Techniques
- D-Blaze Fiche Technique
- D-Blaze Garantie Limitee De 50 Ans
- D-Blaze Bulletin technique: Foire aux questions : FAQ
- D-Blaze Bulletin technique: Fixations pour le bois ignifuge
- D-Blaze Bulletin technique: Exigences de manipulation
- D-Blaze Bulletin technique: Contact avec les fondations de beton ou de maconnerie
- D-Blaze Bulletin technique: Finition et adhesifs