Viance, LLC announces that D-Blaze® fire retardant treated plywood complies with the new requirements of the 2021 International Building Code and International Residential Code. The new testing requirements include extending the ASTM E84 test for an additional 20 minutes for a 30-minute duration and (IBC Section 2303.2) that wood structural panels are tested with a ripped or cut longitudinal gap of 1/8 inch (IBC Section 2303.2.3). D-Blaze passed these new requirements showing no evidence of significant progressive combustion or smoke emissions.
D-Blaze fire retardant treated wood and plywood are Underwriters Laboratories (UL 281) GreenGuard Gold Certified for low chemical emissions, the first fire retardant treated wood of its kind to earn Green Guard certification.
D-Blaze is a water-borne fire retardant formulation designed for interior use and does not contain urea, formaldehyde, nor any volatile organic compounds.
Dr. Kevin Archer, Director of Research and Development for Viance, states, “With the recently revised and published evaluation report (ESR 2645) builders, architects and specifiers can be confident that D-Blaze will meet the new code requirements as jurisdictions begin to enforce the 2021 IBC and IRC major building codes.”
With proven performance for over 35 years, D-Blaze has been used in numerous notable buildings, including the One World Trade Center. D-Blaze meets the requirements of the Buy America Act and the Buy American Act which are manufactured in the United States with American sourced timber.
For more information on D-Blaze FRTW and Plywood