SupaTimber CCA is approved for use in industrial and commercial applications only.
SupaTimber® Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) protects wood from decay and termite attack. CCA is registered for use only in certain commodities and approved categories of forest products in accordance with the respective Use Categories as specified by the American Wood Protection Association (AWPA).
Approved for use in industrial and commercial applications only, SupaTimber is used in non-residential applications that includes any situation in which wood will be in contact with water, soil, concrete or masonry, subject to periodic wetting, or exposed to moisture or high humidity.
SupaTimber CCA is manufactured and sold by Venator Materials, PLC, and marketed by Viance under license.
Proven Long-term Protection
SupaTimber uses a fully-dissolved copper-based wood preservative solutions for exterior wood products. Formulations provide long-term protection from fungal decay and termite attack for a wide variety of commercial and industrial construction projects including; above-ground, ground contact, fresh-water immersion, and salt-water splash and immersion applications.
SupaTimber CCA uses recycled copper, reducing the carbon footprint of its manufacture. Copper has been used for centuries to control fungi, and is highly effective against most forms of fungi that feed on wood. The fully-dissolved copper is very effective in penetrating the cells in the wood fiber during the pressure-treatment process, providing for optimum long-term protection.
Product Applications
Lumber, Timbers and Landscape Ties
Freshwater and Marine Pilings and Sea Walls
Building and Wood Structures
Fence Posts
The Qualities That Matter to You

In the US and other countries, CCA is registered for use on: lumber, timbers, landscape ties, fence posts, building and utility poles, land, freshwater and marine pilings, sea walls, and other wood structures.
SupaTimber treatments lend a distinctive green tint to the timber, although an additional color pigment; DesignWood can be introduced during the treatment process to stain the wood in shades of brown and green.

Proven track record of 30 years service in commercial, industrial and certain agricultural projects.
American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) standardized wood preservatives
Field-tested, proven-to-last, and accepted as an industry standard
Building code compliant (IRC and IBC)

Fasteners and Connectors
Always use building-code approved, corrosion-resistant fasteners and connectors that are suitable for use in pressure-treated wood.
Recommended Fasteners: use hot-dipped galvanized fasteners (meeting ASTM A 153) or stainless steel.
Recommended Connectors: use G185 hot-dipped galvanized for exterior applications.
For Permanent Wood Foundations and corrosive environments, such as Coastal areas with saltwater spray, use code approved stainless steel fasteners and connectors.
Direct Contact with Aluminum: SupaTimber is not suitable for direct contact with uncoated steel or aluminum building products.

Building Code Compliant for Specific Use Applications
SupaTimber CCA (chromated copper arsenate) is an American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) standardized U1 wood preservative, and is registered for use only in pressure treatment of certain commodities.
It is the treater’s responsibility to comply with the terms of the label. CCA should only be used in the approved categories of forest products in accordance with the respective Use Categories as specified by the American Wood Protection Association. Commodity specifications are identified in the most current edition of the AWPA’s Book of Standards.
Specify SupaTimber for non-residential applications in which conditions conducive to termites and fungal decay are present. These conditions would include any situation in which wood will be in contact with water, soil, concrete or masonry, subject to periodic wetting, or exposed to moisture or high humidity.
The AWPA Standards are the only treated wood standards directly referenced in the IBC and IRC. Look for “AWPA U1” on the end tags of all treated lumber used for exterior projects.

SupaTimber meets the criteria to qualify for the Buy American Act Certification.
This letter serves as compliance certification that Viance preservatives for the SupaTimber brand are manufactured in the United States and meet the requirements of the Buy American Act.